Charter School Proposal
Gloria D. Brogdon
Langston University
Gloria D. Brogdon
Langston University
If I had the opportunity to establish a new charter school, it would be patterned after the school I have been designing for the past three years, F. D, Moon Academy of Mass Media and Communication Technology.
As one of three mass media professionals, our job is to design a middle school integrating the core curriculum with mass media and communication technology.
My area of expertise is television/video production, print media , advertising, and public relations.
Some of my duties are to continue to develop and upgrade integrated core curriculum base on the Oklahoma Pass Objectives with mass media, instruct classes in television/video production, resource with core teachers to integrate their lesson plans with mass media, conduct mass media workshops, and visit elementary schools to recruit future students.
Here is a brief outline of the emphasis and operation my charter school.
In this technological era, most children have been exposed to technology since birth. This exposure has created a generation of children who require a different mode of learning and disseminating information. Because of the rapid pace they receive information, many of them have difficulty handling the traditional classroom setting. By using technology, which delivers information at their pace, as a learning tool, students are capable of understanding and learning the required material to succeed in life. It also gives them a upper hand in the familiarity in the area of technology as they move into the job market.
School Mission
We are committed to seeing each child as an individual, with individual learning styles, and using mass media as a tool to facilitate core learning at each students’ learning pace.
1. Each student is required to apply to attend.
2. Acceptance is based on desire to attend this type of school and GPA (2.0).
3. Parents will sign a contract agreeing to actively participate in their child's education.
4. Teachers will sign a contract agreeing to adhere to the format of this type of curriculum, 40 hours of staff development per year, and participate in the ongoing development of the school.
5. Students are required to take leadership in their educational process, by giving input into the curriculum.
6. Develop community business partnerships to assist in supporting our school.
7. Target recruitment market: elementary school 5th graders.
8. Recruitment activities are done by visiting each elementary school in the area, setting up recruitment booths in local malls on weekends, and conducting an annual recruitment fair
9. Distributing student produced school brochures at area libraries, and businesses (see attachment).
Three Year Developmental Time Line
Year One
1. Develop and write integrated curriculum for core courses (Math, Science, Language Arts, Social studies), based on the Oklahoma Pass Objectives.
2. Design the television and radio studios and requisition equipment for these studios.
3. Have studios built, and up and running by school opening in August.
4. Conduct first 40 hours of staff training.
5. Develop and implement a recruitment plan unique to our program.
6. Prepare and submit requisitions for second round of funds.
7. Make professional contact from the industry.
Year Two
1. Submitted requisition for Macintosh computers for Print lab.
2. Order Dell computers for the Communication Technology lab.
3. Conduct second 40 hours of staff training
4. Continue developing and updating curriculum.
5. Resource with Core teachers to integrate curriculum.
6. Prepare and submit requisitions for the third year of school
7. Continue to expand professional network.
8. Continue implementation of recruitment plan unique to our program.
Year Three
1. Develop Photographic Darkroom.
2. Develop Distance Learning Lab.
3. Develop Career Center and Resource Library
4. Continue to resource with Core teachers.
5. Conduct third 40 hours of staff training.
6. Continue developing and updating integrated curriculum.
7. Integrate theme into elective classes.
8. Continue implementation of recruitment plan unique to our program.
The curriculum is based on educating students using mass media and communication as a tool.
Students will take classes in:
1. Multimedia Presentation & Wedsite Design
2. Television/Video Production
3. Print Media/Photography
4. Radio Production
They will use their expertise in these areas to facilitate their core courses.
Sample Integrated Curriculum
(A) Integrated Priority Academic Student Skills Grades 6-8 READING
Reading Process
I. Reading process: Students will apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate and appreciate texts.
A. Vocabulary: Knowledge of words and word meanings.
The student will:
1. recognize, understand and be able to apply the terms used in
a) print,
b) advertising,
c) radio,
d) television.
B. Comprehension: Ability to interact with the words and concepts to understand what the writer has to say.
The students will:
1. read newspapers and magazines, scripts appropriately designed for grade level;
2. determine the purpose for these specific text;
3. analyze and discuss and interpret what the writer is saying based on personal experience, and
4. read the history and development of American mass media.
C. Fluency: Ability to identify words rapidly so that the attention is directed at the meaning of the text.
The students will:
1. Read radio commercials, television/movie scripts with expression, feeling and characterization.
Writing and Responding to Text
The student will:
A. Use the writing process for scriptwriting, journalistic writing, and business writing to
develop and refine writing skills.
1. Participate in prewriting activities such as brainstorming, note taking, research, and
free writing.
2. Read television and movie scripts for understanding of plot, setting, theme, characterization, conflict and resolution.
3. Analyze the characters of these scripts.
4. Write scripts using the techniques developed.
5. Read and write newspaper articles in the same manner as the scripts.
6. Write radio shows for production.
7. Write resumes, simple proposals,
Information and Research
A. Students read widely to acquire knowledge, conduct research, and organize information.
The student will:
1. Use the internet to help to define and research topic by browsing sites which pertains to the area of study.
2. Create notes, and site sources on the computer of the information found.
3. Create computer generated graphs, charts, maps; etc.
4. Create power point presentation of research information.
5. Create brochures using the research information.
Effective Reading Habits
A. Students demonstrate the behaviors, habits, and attitudes of an effective reader.
The student will:
1. Share and discuss daily news and magazine articles in small groups. after which they will come back to the larger group for discuss.
2. Read for understand, information and interpretation.
Grammar/Usage and Mechanics
A. Use proper mechanics in writing, based upon the style of writing.
The student will:
1. Use style manuals appropriate for each style of writing to assist in correct grammar and mechanics usage.
Listening/ Speaking
A. Demonstrate thinking skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The student will utilize all of these skills in:
1. taping of a television or radio show, and
2. interviewing for a news article.
Visual Literacy
The student will:
1. Distinguish fact, opinion, and fiction in print, radio, and television.
2. Interpret and evaluate the ways visual images are represented and understand the meaning of these images.
3. Compare and contrast print, broadcast media in its deliverance of messages to the masses.
Sample Mass Media Curriculum
(A) Journalism Knowledge and Skills
Students enrolled in Print Journalism will write in a variety of forms for a different audiences. Middle school students enrolled in this course are expected to plan, write drafts and complete written assignments on a regular basis. The are expected to examine their papers for clarity, engaging language, and correct usage of written English. Each student will learn journalistic traditions, research self-selected topics, learn the principals of publishing, as well as write in the journalistic style.
The essential skills and knowledge each student is expected to learn are:
1. An understanding of the development, laws, and responsibilities of the media.
2. The student reports and writes for a variety of audiences and purposes and researches self-selected topics to write in journalistic style.
3. Each student will understand the principals of page design using industry standard technology.
4. The student demonstrates an understanding of the importance of advertising to a publication.
(B) Advertising Knowledge and Skills
Students enrolled in Advertising are expected to develop the skills to conceptualize a new product and implement a advertising plan. Each student is expected to understand the the basic principals of advertising as well as the effects of advertising in our society.
1. The essential skills and knowledge each student is expected to learn are:
2. An understanding of the development, laws, and responsibilities of the advertising.
3. Students will become aware of the language and techniques used in print advertising.
4. Examine the influence that advertising has children.
5. Develop a comprehensive advertising project.
6. Students will demonstrate a knowledge advertising design and production in print, radio, and television.
(C) Syllabus
Television/Video Production I
Room D112/ FDM-TV Studio
Instructor: G. D. Brogdon, 419-4336
Internet Textbook:
Course Objectives:
1. Knowledge of basic terms and aesthetics of television and video.
2. Knowledge of organizational and responsibilities of a crew.
3. Understanding of the operation of TV/Video production equipment.
4. Familiarity with the roles of the TV/Video Producer & Director.
Grading System:
1. Quiz - There will be one quiz given. This will be a hands on final exam. This exam will constitute 33.3% of your grade.
2. Participation and Skills - Your ability to function as a member of a TV production crew will be observed and evaluated. Attendance, punctuality, attitude and participation are as important as mechanical ability. This evaluation will constitute 33.3% of your final grade.
3. Student Project - Each student will be required to complete one Video project during the 9 weeks. This may be a group or individual project. Projects will be assigned during the week of January 21, 2002. It is your responsibility to make sure you complete the project. This project will constitute 33.3% of your grade.
Class Schedule
Week 1: Equipment Orientation & Post Production Basics
Week 2 & 3: Complex ENG Assignments & Microphones for ENG Reporting
Week 4 & 5: Single Camera Studio Production
Week 6 & 7 : Multi- Camera Studio Production
Week 8 & 9: Final Video Projects
Final Projects
Partners and the type of project to be produced should be turned in to me before November 16, 2001
Class Schedule is subject to changes. All changes will be announced in class.
This charter school will expand each year through school recruitment efforts. But our best advertising tool will be the individual attention we give each student, and their academic achievements. As the community becomes aware of the quality of education the students are receiving at my school, I foresee a waiting list of students by the third year of operation.
We have also developed a comprehensive after school community program. This includes computer classes, resume writing, dressing for success, workplace etiquette, interviewing techniques, resume writing, public speaking, and mass media workshops.
These workshops are open to students and adults in the community to assist in developing business and job related skills.
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